SLPAP Courses in Master of Physics, UGM:
- Analysis and Visualization of Geoscience Data
- Functional Analysis for Physicist
- Time Series Analysis
- Astrophysics
- Digital Imaging
- Data Science for Geosciences
- Mineral Exploration
- Petroleum Exploration
- Advanced Geothermal Exploration
- Electrodynamics
- Applied Electromagnetics
- Advanced Rock Physics
- Biomaterial Physics
- Physics of the Earth
- Computational Physics
- Crystal Physics
- Laser Physics
- Physics of Electronics Material
- Soft Condensed Matter Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Particle Physics
- Radiation Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Photoacoustic and Photothermal
- Fractal and Chaos in Physics
- Geoscience Frontiers
- Advanced Environmental Geophysics
- Physical Geology
- Physics of Instrumentation
- Geophysics Inversion
- Condensed Matter Magnetism
- Material Design Computational
- Computation of Celestial Body Mechanics
- Condensed Matter Electronics Structure Computation
- Cosmologi
- Geoscience Field Trip
- Logic and Symbolic Computation in Physics
- Mathematical Physics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Classical Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Advanced Continuum Mechanics
- Statistical Mechanics
- Methods of Experimental Physics
- Material Characterisation Methods
- Imaging Methods in Physics
- Research Methodology
- Disaster Mitigation
- Nanophysics
- Biomedical Optics
- Condensed Matter Optics
- Advanced Seismic Imaging
- Three Dimensional Imaging
- Research I
- Research II
- Research III
- Stochastics Process for Physicist
- Scientific Publication A
- Scientific Publication B
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Image Reconstruction
- Magnetic Resonance in Medical Physics
- Quantitative Seismology
- Advanced Seismology
- International Seminar
- National Seminar
- Data Acquisition System
- Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
- Laser Spectroscopy
- Spintronics
- Electromagnetic Survey
- Non Elektromagnetic Survey
- Theoretical Acoustics
- Microwave Theory and Applications
- Group Theory for Physicist
- Quantum Field Theory
- Potential Field Theory
- General Theory of Relativity
- Thesis
- Special Topics in Computational Physics
- Special Topics in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Topology and Geometry for Physicist
- Non – Destructive Test
- Volcanology