SLPAP Courses in Master of Physics, UGM:

  1. Analysis and Visualization of Geoscience Data
  2. Functional Analysis for Physicist
  3. Time Series Analysis
  4. Astrophysics
  5. Digital Imaging
  6. Data Science for Geosciences
  7. Mineral Exploration
  8. Petroleum Exploration
  9. Advanced Geothermal Exploration
  10. Electrodynamics
  11. Applied Electromagnetics
  12. Advanced Rock Physics
  13. Biomaterial Physics
  14. Physics of the Earth
  15. Computational Physics
  16. Crystal Physics
  17. Laser Physics
  18. Physics of Electronics Material
  19. Soft Condensed Matter Physics
  20. Nuclear Physics
  21. Particle Physics
  22. Radiation Physics
  23. Condensed Matter Physics
  24. Photoacoustic and Photothermal
  25. Fractal and Chaos in Physics
  26. Geoscience Frontiers
  27. Advanced Environmental Geophysics
  28. Physical Geology
  29. Physics of Instrumentation
  30. Geophysics Inversion
  31. Condensed Matter Magnetism
  32. Material Design Computational
  33. Computation of Celestial Body Mechanics
  34. Condensed Matter Electronics Structure Computation
  35. Cosmologi
  36. Geoscience Field Trip
  37. Logic and Symbolic Computation in Physics
  38. Mathematical Physics
  39. Fluid Mechanics
  40. Classical Mechanics
  41. Quantum Mechanics
  42. Advanced Quantum Mechanics
  43. Advanced Continuum Mechanics
  44. Statistical Mechanics
  45. Methods of Experimental Physics
  46. Material Characterisation Methods
  47. Imaging Methods in Physics
  48. Research Methodology
  49. Disaster Mitigation
  50. Nanophysics
  51. Biomedical Optics
  52. Condensed Matter Optics
  53. Advanced Seismic Imaging
  54. Three Dimensional Imaging
  55. Research I
  56. Research II
  57. Research III
  58. Stochastics Process for Physicist
  59. Scientific Publication A
  60. Scientific Publication B
  61. Geotechnical Engineering
  62. Image Reconstruction
  63. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Physics
  64. Quantitative Seismology
  65. Advanced Seismology
  66. International Seminar
  67. National Seminar
  68. Data Acquisition System
  69. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  70. Laser Spectroscopy
  71. Spintronics
  72. Electromagnetic Survey
  73. Non Elektromagnetic Survey
  74. Theoretical Acoustics
  75. Microwave Theory and Applications
  76. Group Theory for Physicist
  77. Quantum Field Theory
  78. Potential Field Theory
  79. General Theory of Relativity
  80. Thesis
  81. Special Topics in Computational Physics
  82. Special Topics in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
  83. Topology and Geometry for Physicist
  84. Non – Destructive Test
  85. Volcanology